8 ways to turn your children into eco warriors - Ekko World

Here are 8 quick tips to bring out the ‘eco-warrior’ in your kids at home - by Ekko World

Bokashi Ninja is all for teaching kids the importance of sustainable living at home, so it becomes an everyday part of their life. What we do now affects the health of our planet into the future and our kids play a huge role, just as we do. 

Here are some simple eco ninja tips from the Bokashi Ninja tribe to inspire everyday planet-saving habits with your children while at home. 

TIP # 1. Choose toys to keep

Have your children go through their toy box and wardrobe and empty out what they don’t play with anymore. Have them choose what toys and clothes they will pass on to a child less fortunate than them. This is especially a great thing to do before a child’s birthday and Christmas.

TIP # 2 Waste less food

Eat smaller amounts. Food waste going to landfill is the second largest contributor to methane gas in our atmosphere. Food that is left over, put in the Bokashi Ninja, a worm farm or compost bin to return back into nature as nutrient-rich compost. Give children the responsibility of popping the food waste in the compost.

TIP # 3 - Get out in the garden

Encourage children to help in the garden, especially a little herb garden or veggie patch in the backyard. Give them their own plants or veggies to look after, water, fertilise and watch grow. We all receive a little joy when we grow our own veggies.

TIP # 4 - Drop (recycled paper) flyers for bottles locally 

Encourage your children to drop a flyer in their neighbours’ letterbox and collect all the recycled bottles in the street once a week. It’s a way they can make money or even more special would be to have them choose a local wildlife charity that they can donate the money to.

TIP # 5 - Don't litter 

Teach your children not to litter! If they see rubbish on the ground, and they are supervised and it’s ok, encourage them to pick it up and put it in the rubbish bin. Rubbish left on the ground can lead to disaster for our wildlife and marine life. There is not such thing as ‘AWAY’, when you throw something away, it must go somewhere. The biggest lesson we can teach our children is not to waste in the first place.

TIP # 6 - Say no to plastic straws

Get kids to say no to plastic straws.

TIP # 7 - Make it their job to take care of the composting

Give the kids the job each weekend to empty the Bokashi and water the plants.


For more environmentally friendly tips check out Ekko World
